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S&A Bulletin Recap: Gear Up for an Exciting Berlin Journey!

Published Bernice on Monday, October 30, 2023 11:00 AM

S&A Bulletin Recap: Gear Up for an Exciting Berlin Journey!

Last Friday, we gathered in the digital realm for another engaging edition of the S&A Bulletin, and the buzz was all about our upcoming adventure in Berlin! Our bags are packed, and we're thrilled to embark on a whirlwind of industry events and networking opportunities in the heart of this vibrant city.

Here's a quick overview of what's on our agenda:

ICEF Digital - Friday, 3rd November: Our Berlin journey begins with ICEF Digital, a cutting-edge event set to redefine the way we connect and collaborate in international education. This dynamic virtual gathering is an opportunity to engage with industry experts, share insights, and discover new horizons.

Lead5050 Women in International Education Awards - Saturday, 4th November: The excitement continues as we prepare for the prestigious Lead5050 Women in International Education Awards, an event dedicated to celebrating the achievements and contributions of inspiring women in our field. It's an occasion to honor those who have made a profound impact on international education, and we can't wait to be a part of it.

ALTO Day - Sunday, 5th November: On Sunday, we'll be diving into ALTO Day, where the focus will be on discussions, insights, and collaborative efforts to drive excellence in our industry. This day promises a wealth of knowledge-sharing and networking opportunities.

ICEF Berlin Workshop - 5th to 7th November: And finally, the main event! From the 5th to the 7th of November, we'll be at the annual ICEF Berlin Workshop, the pinnacle of our Berlin experience. This renowned workshop brings together a diverse range of industry professionals, agents, and educators, offering a platform to foster relationships and forge collaborations.

If you missed Friday's S&A Bulletin, you can watch it here:

It's safe to say that these days in Berlin will be a whirlwind of activity, connections, and insights. We're eagerly anticipating the chance to reconnect with industry partners, friends, and meet new faces who share our passion for international education.

As our journey to Berlin fast approaches, we want to express our gratitude for the opportunities to connect and collaborate with you, our valued partners. It's our relationships and shared experiences that make our industry thrive, and we look forward to cherishing these moments with you.

Stay tuned for updates, insights, and memorable moments from our Berlin adventure. We can't wait to see what these upcoming events have in store, and we're excited to bring you along for the ride.

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